The Ready Responder Coordination Center
It is critical to be able to share the right information before, during, and after a crisis occurs.
Learn more about how you can connect with the right people at the right time.
World Cares Center’s mission is to prepare and protect ready responders and empower local leaders to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises and disasters together. WCC believes that resiliency is best promoted when all facets of communities are prepared to respond to disasters together to mitigate their inherent risks, thereby reducing human and economic loss and suffering. The Ready Responders Network serves as a coordination center and toolbox to achieve what FEMA refers to as a “Whole of Community” response.

The Ready Responders Network and Coordination Center were conceptualized during the 9/11 relief effort and fine-tuned through World Cares Center’s experience managing volunteers and reception centers during the Haitian earthquake, Hurricane Irene, Superstorm Sandy, and beyond.

The Coordination Center offers resources, facilitates discussion, and builds relationships during blue skies. During a crisis, the center acts as a virtual emergency operations center by providing an outlet for local communities to engage in a coordinated grassroots response. Through a virtual peer-to-peer network, experts provide advice and subject-matter assistance.
The Collaborative Disaster Credential is free of charge. For more information on the training or to join the Advisory Board, contact Lisa Orloff at 212-563-7570 or
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