Communication and Coordination

We partner with NGOs, leading agencies, and experts in disaster response humanitarian aid to make 

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If we can not talk to each other in a timely manner and understand what each other is saying, we can not help each other. Resources are wasted and people that need us the most go with out help. This is what we know from 22 years of responding to disasters. We also know that the grassroots groups that live in disaster stricken communities will be the first to respond to thier constituents needs because they are there when the disasters strike and will stay and live in the community long after visiting groups leave. World Cares Center (WCC)  has applied its lesssons from decades of responses to improve communication and coordination. WCC managed the coordination between citizen impacted by Hurricane Irene across the state of New Jersey matching them with aid groups, ran volunteer reception centers during Superstorm Sandy and lead international responses. In all of these responses grassroots groups did not have the resources to communication with each other and official reponders or access many resources availble to them.  To address this gap, WCC created the tools with in this platform to meet the communication and coordination needs of grassroots and disconnected groups to include them in the Whole of Community and improve response. 

1 thought on “Communication and Coordination”

  1. Lisa Orloff

    This type of coordination has been happening for decades between disaster managers and larger response groups. The Knowledge and Coordination Center is a critical tool that will bring this capability to the grassroots groups that need to be connected to resources.

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