A Welcome Message from the President

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At the heart of World Cares Center (WCC) is the volunteer staff partnership, a tradition that honors the unique contributions of the thousands of individuals who roll up their sleeves and contribute their time, talent and treasure, and the women and men who dedicate their professional careers in pursuit of our shared mission to help those affected by disaster.

Together we welcome you as a volunteer/intern and thank you for your service and dedication. The best nonprofit organizations – and we include WCC in this esteemed group – provide resources and tools to support their volunteers, clarify the work to be done, and identify best practices that foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration. We hope you find this new handbook, helpful as your embark on this venture with opportunities for continued success.

With the continuing support of our donors and volunteers, WCC has made incredible progress over the years. On behalf of the many families we have supported and our communities, we thank you for everything you’ve given, and continue to give, as we continue our work.

With Gratitude,

Lisa Orloff

Founder and President, Word Cares Center

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