Partners’ Highlight: LACA NJ

We partner with NGOs, leading agencies, and experts in disaster response humanitarian aid to make 

the best one stop disaster training and coordination portal available to you anywhere, anytime, for 

FREE. Select the training you need, get credentialed

What is the mission of your organization?

Our mission is when “When disaster strikes LACA is there.” Our mission is based from the bible quote found in Matthew 25:35-36, ” 35‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’


What are the programs you offer?

We provide anxiety and grief counseling, food pantries service, feeding programs and we would visit hospitals to pray for the sick.


How is LACA NJ responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?

In the beginning of the pandemic we fed the homeless. Our chaplains are providing food, masks and other essentials to the community. We also have chaplains that are frontline workers (nurses, truck drivers & NJ Transit workers). Additionally, we are providing prayer through cellphone communication for those that have been sick or have family members sick with COVID-19.


Describe your partnership with WCC.

Our LACA chaplains have taken many trainings under WCC (for example: Physical Safety, Zika & Ebola Awareness, etc.)


Why did you choose to partner with WCC.

WCC provides trainings, good insight and up to date information on domestic & worldwide, natural/man-made disasters; and how to help those that are in need.


Why is WCC training important?

WCC trainings are important because they prepare our chaplains how to react and use equipment that will be essential during a disaster or pandemic.


Who benefit from these training?

The chaplains benefit from these trainings because they learn the do’s and don’ts of what to do during a disaster or pandemic and pass the information on to help or serve the community.


Other future initiatives?

We are planning to partner up with local hospitals in our area to help with spiritual & grief counseling. We also have plans to enter the local prisons to offer services to the inmates.


Any other comments?

We would like to thank WCC for their trainings. We first learned about the N-95’s and how to use them correctly through the Ebola Awareness training that was provided to us last year, because of this, many of the chaplains already knew how to protect themselves.

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