Volunteers’ Highlight: Simon Pereira Shorey

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Our volunteers are important to us and we couldn’t do what we do without them! We want to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements and impact on our organization, so each week, we will highlight a volunteer for you to get to know.

Meet: Simon Pereira Shorey (second from left)

How long have you been Volunteering for WCC?

Since 2017

Why did you choose to volunteer for WCC?

I strongly believe in the principle that in overwhelming natural or man-made disasters, we need to use the passion of trained local volunteers to help the community, since full time emergency responders just cannot do it all by themselves.

What are you doing to help the community through your volunteering with WCC?

Through my training with the Jersey City Community Emergency Response Team and the Dept. of Homeland Security’s Center for Domestic Preparedness; my connections to other organizations and individuals involved in disaster resilience; and in my capacity as President of Resilient JC, a disaster resilience focused 501c3 non-profit based in Jersey City- I am able to connect with WCC in synergistic ways, partake and advise in tabletop and on the ground exercises, and assist with fundraising events. In addition, whenever a major disaster hits, I will be involved as much as I can.

What skills from your background or work experience are you applying to volunteering?

I am trained in incident response, liaison with full time responders, strategic planning, management and leadership, as well as diverse practical skills that range from Hazmat Incident Response to First Aid, Search and Rescue and more.

What kind of insights have you gained from volunteering for WCC?

It is a dynamic, forward leaning passionately and well led body that seeks to aid the community when hard times call.

Share one of your favorite volunteering moments with WCC.

It was during a recent Boots on the Ground exercise when we were all setting up and working through a volunteer reception center to train spontaneous volunteers in mucking and gutting skills, the heavens opened and there was constant cold rain, the cheerfulness and dedication of all concerned was a true inspiration.

In closing what would you say to Potential WCC volunteer?

If you wish to help your community get through the darkest of days, if you want to find a professional and passionate group of people who have an established track record on this field, you should definitely look into learning skills and making new friends with WCC.

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