11.06.2020 Emotional Resiliency during COVID-19 and Managing Leader Stress Monthly Roundtable

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World Cares Center arose in the aftermath of September 11th, through the organizing of spontaneous, unaffiliated community volunteers. Following this devastating time in American history, we witnessed the strength of the first responders and average citizens. Emotional resiliency was a core component of the first responders’ abilities to cope in this difficult time. Without this emotional resiliency, it is unlikely New York City would have been able to recover and rebuild in the way it did.

Emotional resiliency is one of the core factors in recovery after a disaster. It is imperative to be able to come back from a tragic occurrence stronger than you were before. Resiliency is directly connected to the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations. We have seen the importance of resiliency present in countless recent disasters that have impacted our society, from the Haitian Earthquakes to Super Strom Sandy, and more recently during the California Wildfires. We also have seen the importance of emotional resiliency in our current fight against COVID-19. Emotional resiliency is essential to our navigation of this global pandemic and ensuring that we can come out on the other side emotionally. We all currently experiencing one of the toughest times in recent history and there is no better time than the present to further one’s education on the topic of Emotional Resiliency and Managing Leadership Stress.

Our upcoming Round Table addresses this very poignant and timely topic. Please join us Friday, November 6th at our monthly Round Table Zoom training. The objective is to help people get through this unprecedented time while managing stress and hardship. The registration link for the Round Table zoom meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwof-mhpj8qH9blDGdk5OVyYhSJMvlwzKQF. We encourage anyone who wants to learn about how to manage leadership stress or emotional resiliency, especially during COVID-19, to join this Ready Responders Virtual Round Table.

In advance of this Round Table, please take our new training on our website: www.disastervolunteerismacademy.org. Our training consists of COVID-19 Awareness, Safety, Resiliency, and Management

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