April 1, 2021 Ready Responders Virtual Round Table

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The Importance of Operations Based Exercises: And Why the BOG is so important?

If I went into the doctor’s office and found out that they had only read books about drawing blood; would I want them taking a sample?

Or went to a fine dining restaurant only to find out the chef had watched a YouTube video and had never actually practiced the recipe, would I really want their food?

The same can be said, and more, for Ready Responders. Ready Responders are individuals that by day have a regular job however when disaster strikes, they are ready to help themselves, their neighbors, and their colleagues recover and emerge from disasters more resilient. During a disaster, man-made or natural, there is comfort in knowing that those helping you have some degree of real-life application. Certainly, we don’t want frequent hurricanes but operations-based exercises, like the World Cares Center Boots on the Ground Exercise (BOG X), allows for just that. While the BOG X is traditionally done in person, the COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately makes that impossible. However, WCC doesn’t believe this should enable real-life application to lapse. Now more than ever it is important for our Ready Responders to know how to protect themselves and their neighborhoods when disaster strikes.

The 2021 Virtual BOGX will enable participants to engage in different scenarios and identify and evaluate what the best courses of action would be. We hope you will be able to participate virtually (via our Ready Responders Network and Zoom) on Friday, April 30th, 11 am- 1:30pm. Please see the registration link below. Any questions, please email Alida at operations@worldcares.org

Register Here for the 2021 Virtual BOGX: http://bit.ly/vbogx2021

Topic: 2021 Virtual BOGX


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