5-6-2021 Ready Responders Round Table

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Our topic for this month’s Round Table is Emotional Resiliency.

We will be joined by Ebony Grace, Chief Operating Officer for NJSACC: The Statewide Network for New Jersey’s Afterschool Communities. Ms. Grace has a Master’s degree in Family Therapy and has experience as a practicing family therapist providing therapeutic services to individuals, families, couples and adolescents.

A Description of her presentation is included below, please feel free to add any comments/questions prior to our Round Table Discussion

Regular time dedicated to self-care can be difficult for any professional; particularly community leaders working to provide social supports in a variety of settings. As natural caretakers, you all are constantly pouring into others and self-care is especially important to develop our own emotional resilience, to benefit in the long-term. During this presentation, we will discuss a holistic approach to self-care and techniques to putting on our own oxygen masks first.

Discussion will include how we can use these resiliency techniques in our roles in Disaster Response.

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