20th Anniversary Documentary

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A story over triumph, over tragedy.

Kirstin Cole of CW11 narrates the history of the World Cares Center, from citizens spontaneously helping, to the formation of September Space, a healing center that served over 45,000 rescue workers, survivors, & family members. The storyline continues with global responses & the programs that train citizens to emerge as disaster volunteers, & train leaders to manage crises including service-learning with John Jay College of Criminal Justice. This is a story of triumph over tragedy. The giving spirit of the 9/11 community lives on & impacts communities locally & around the world.

Thus far the documentary has been aired on The John D McKean Fireboat, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and the New York University as part of their 9.11.2001 commemoration.

You can view the documentary on https://worldcares.org/documentary/ and learn why we created the Ready Responders Network and the importance of staying connected.

Many thanks,


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