Monday’s with Max: Pet Safety, Baby it’s Cold Outside

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Yes, It’s Monday’s with Max, one of our more popular posts that help keep our furry, or not so furry companions safe. In this blog we are providing some cold weather safety tips gathered from some of our partners. Thank you for sharing: ASPCA, Petco, Chewy and more!

1. Know Your Dog’s Limits! Some dogs are more susceptible to the cold than others. Like Max’s pal Zuri, short-coated, thin, elderly, or very young dogs get cold more quickly so adjust the amount of time they stay outside. If your dog enjoys being outdoors or you are planning on being outside longer than a few minutes, consider a warm coat to keep your pet warm. Hypothermia and frostbite pose major risks to dogs in winter, so remember, if it is too cold for you, it is probably too cold for your dog!

2. Give their Paws a Bath! During winter walks, your dog’s paws can pick up all kinds of toxic chemicals –antifreeze, de-icers or salt. Dip your dog’s paws in warm water when you return from walks. This will prevent him from licking it off and becoming sick as well as becoming an irritant. Purchase pet-safe de-icers for your home for an extra level of safety. And when wiping off your dog’s paws, remember to check for signs of injury, such as cracked or bleeding paws. BTW, this also helps Max when snowballs form on his long fur.

3. Keep Them Leashed! More pets become lost in the winter than any other season because snowfall can disguise recognizable scents that would normally help them find their way home. Prevent your pets from becoming lost by keeping dogs leashed on walks and make sure their collars have up-to-date contact information and they are microchipped.

4. Avoid Frozen Lakes, Ponds and Pools! Keep your pet away from frozen lakes, ponds, and pools. Your dog could be seriously hurt or even killed if they fall through the ice break.

5. Leave them home! Just as hot cars are dangerous for pets in the summer, cold cars pose a threat as well! Never leave your pet unattended in cold car.

6. Get Reflected! The winter months means it gets dark earlier. Keep yourself and your dog are safe by wearing reflective gear. Never let your dog walk in the roadway where it can be struck, keep them on the inside between you and the side walk not the road.

7. In the Doghouse! If your pets live outdoors primarily, bring them indoors during sub-zero temperatures. When outside provide your pet with a dry, draft-free shelter that is large enough to allow them to sit and lay down comfortably, but small enough to conserve body heat. The floor should be raised a few inches off the ground and covered with insulation. Turn the shelter so it faces away from the wind and cover the doorway with waterproof curtain. Use plastic food and water dishes instead of metal as your pets’ tongue can become stuck to metal.

8. Clean Up Spills! Antifreeze attracts cats and dogs because it is very sweet to taste, but it is extremely poisonous and can cause serious illness or death when ingested. Be sure to clean up any antifreeze that spills or leaks and store chemicals where your pets cannot reach them.

9. Be prepared! Have an emergency that includes your pets! Your stay-at-home kit should have enough food, water, and medication to last your pets at least five days. You can also include a small supply in your Go Bag.

10. Check Under the Hood! Small animals often sleep in the wheel wells of cars during the winter months to keep warm. If you start your car and an animal is sleeping on your tire, it can be severely hurt or even killed by moving engine parts. Prevent injuries by banging loudly on your hood or honking the horn before starting your car. This will wake up the cat and give it a chance to escape before starting the car.

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