Food Insecurity Service Providers Discuss

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Nearly 15 percent of U.S. households and nearly 18 percent of households with children reported food insecurity early in the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey conducted via social media by researchers at NYU School of Global Public Health. The findings tell us how the pandemic has worsened food insecurity. We also know that community organizations and volunteers are on the front lines of providing services, some of the most dedicated volunteers are in the “at risk” category for contracting COVID-19 and the variants.

World Cares Center knows that training can sometimes take a back seat when responding to an urgent need. A better prepared staff and volunteer team can significantly reduce onboarding, training and injuries. Our mission is to ensure that Ready Responders can serve and avoid injury. Our FREE training is there for you to ensure your team and volunteers.

World Cares Centers Ready Responders Round Table hosted Food Pantry and Food Insecurity specialist to discuss the challenges and successes managing programs through COVID. Panelists included Sandra Benedict, Director of Development, Interfaith Food Pantry Network, and Judy Secon, Deputy Director of NY Common Pantry as well as a presentation from City Harvest. As a follow on, on Tuesday February 15th at Noon, World Cares Center’s Steve Landfield will deliver Food Distribution Safety for all of those on the front lines delivering services such as running food pantries, food distribution, soup kitchens and more. Please join us as we ensure our volunteers and front line workers stay safe while serving those in need. After the training please come back to the blog and let us know what you think, share your thoughts and your suggestions.

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